Hi there,

I am very lucky, I get to do what I love! A passion for creating visually interesting content has always inspired me. The importance of not only know how to use a camera, but how to use lighting to your advanced as well as audio really excites me. 

I believe this tripod of elements mixed together in the correct quantities can make for quite a magical creative explosion which is what I aim to create for you, if the form of a cinematic, special video.


I have worked on international campaigns for musicians as well as others in the industry for years now, creating content to make an impact. One of my proudest moments to date is working with dBud earplugs on multiple occasions and I continue to do so. A product I have loved since nearly the start of my photography journey and can now call great friends.

My journey has seen me be featured as 'One of the 100 most influential music photographers on the planet' with How To Become A Rockstar Photographer, which is soon to become a book.

As well as having my work displayed at The Photography Show with Art in Dance

Within 6 months of launching, I was been nominated for The Wedding Industry Awards Videographer on the Year and Best Newcomer.

In 2024, I am going for the Nationals!

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